Learning Styles Pragmatist - Since the first until today, the world of education is always open to the possibility of the educational implementation format that is ideal to address global problems. Many theories have been adopted to achieve these objectives. Including the pragmatic theory that tries to fill space and time, to contribute to finding the best solution in the world of education and human development itself. In accordance with the pragmatism proposed by Charles Sandre Peirce is that pragmatism is not just a theoretical science and studied only to philosophize and seek the truth alone, nor metaphysics because they never thought about the essence behind reality, but the concept of pragmatism is more likely at the level of practical knowledge for resolve problems faced by humans.
Along with the times is more remarkable, makes people to be smart in the face of adversity to achieve success. If one took a decision, then the consequences will greatly affect the future. That requires critical thinking and logical, and appropriate action in the event.
By contrast the life experience possessed by learners since childhood, make them learn to be careful in acting. It was in accordance with the views of Dewey, the human thinking is basically rooted in the experiences and move back toward the experiences. Humans will always move in earnest is always changing. If he is having trouble then he will soon face the difficulties and find a solution. That requires thinking activities that would change the previous state into the next state.
Dewey offers an educational concept that can make students ready for their future. According to Dewey, the school environment should be able to reflect the pattern of community or social environment, so that when children graduate from school, they can adapt to the society. Can be understood from the concept that education should be able to equip learners in accordance with the needs that exist in the social environment. So that later they can quickly adapt to the social environment and participate in socializing with people.
To realize this concept in education, can be offered several methods in teaching at the school.
The first method is in the form of problem-solving methods. By using this method, students will be exposed to a variety of situations and problems that challenge, according to the real life in the neighborhood. Learners will be honed capacity to think and be given complete freedom to solve problems according to capabilities. Educators or teachers only help learners to hone their skills in seeking a solution to the situation.
The second method is to learn while working, meaning that students will be equipped with the skills needed by the community, so that they will exist and be useful for their social environment. When they finish of education that have gone through, they are able to work with developing these skills or try to open up business opportunities for the community, so as to overcome the existing unemployment.
The third method, namely, the method of investigation and discovery. This means that learners are led to do a search and discovery of new things in personal and social life in accordance with its capabilities. After that, the students are guided to make an assessment in accordance with the values in society and can apply it to everyday life.
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